30 Days of Romcom Part 2
Cuplikan dari film Anastasia

20. Enough Said (Director: Nicole Holofcener, 2013)

Divorce leaves you clueless of what to do on a first date. It leaves you questioning why you married in the first place; leaves you damaged and unskilled in starting a new relationship. But as long as you’re brave enough to learn from your mistakes, you will find an opened door to second chances.


19. Two Night Stand (Dir.: Max Nichols, 2014)

One night stand, like marriage, is not for everyone. Particularly, not for a hopelessly romantic, long-term-relationship practitioners. To make it worse, there’s a blizzard that prevents Analeigh Tipton from going out of Miles Teller’s apartment. The two then forced to get to know each other a little more than they should by talking about jobs, parents, dreams, and at last, exchanging ‘constructive criticisms’ for sex. That’s where the clichés start.


18. Zack & Miri Make A Porno (Dir.: Kevin Smith, 2008)

It’s weird. Weird because Seth Rogen and Elizabeth Banks look cute together. Weird because on one scene, you see a sex scene so profane it makes your face winced, but on the other one, they make it so romantic you can’t prevent yourself from ooh-ing and aah-ing. It’s weird that a movie can be disgusting and heartwarming at the same time.


17. The Parent Trap (Dir.: Nancy Meyers, 1998)

Of course, this one is a romantic comedy. Even 12-years-old me knew it. Watching how the divorced parents get together is much more entertaining for me than watching multiplied Lindsay Lohan trying hard to speak in British accent.


16. The Wedding Singer (Dir.: Frank Coraci, 1998)

The one that sparks chemistry between Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore before two more attempts to reunite. Still, this one is a classic. However corny Sandler’s hairdo is in this movie, no one can beat his charm while playing guitar and singing Grow Old With You to Barrymore.


15. The Five-Year Engagement (Dir.: Nicholas Stoller, 2012)

The minute you take your relationship to a higher level, that’s when shit gets real. Every married couple have they own struggle to change their status from ‘engaged’ to ‘married’. This movie, although sarcastic in nature, depicts the struggle perfectly. From choosing which venue the reception will be held on to deciding which town to settle in and who will be the breadwinner. That’s only from engagement to wedding. Now imagine how shits gets even more real after the wedding.


14. Anastasia (Dir.: Don Bluth & Gary Goldman, 1997)

Since this is my list, I can put whatever movie I want in it. Besides, it stars Meg Ryan and John Cusack, so it’s a romantic comedy by nature.


13. Liberal Arts (Dir.: Josh Radnor, 2012)

It tells a story about a man who falls in love either with a younger girl, or his own nostalgia that this girl represents, he can’t really be sure. There will be a break-up but also a newfound love hidden somewhere unexpected.


12. A Good Year (Dir.: Ridley Scott, 2006)

I don’t care what RottenTomatoes says, I love this movie. It’s Russell Crowe before he got fat and Marion Cotillard before she hit the spotlight. Beautiful cinematography; but more importantly, it’s about a banker who chooses a simpler life over his glorious career. How can’t it be romantic?


11. When Harry Met Sally (Dir.: Rob Reiner, 1989)

Having this movie on the list is too predictable, isn’t it? In my defense, it is indeed a great romcom. Come on, who can forget how Meg Ryan fakes an orgasm in the middle of a busy diner?


15 Maret 2015
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