01 Maret 2020

Di seluruh penjuru dunia, demokrasi mengalami penurunan mutu. Sahabat Seni Nusantara dan DKJ melihat prospek demokratisasi di tengah kemunduran di wilayah lingkungan hidup dan HAM, justru terbuka peluangnya di bidang seni dan budaya.

01 Maret 2020
30 Days of Romcom Part 3

This is the final batch of Romcom list by Anastha Eka. Sorry for the long delay. But, hey, these movies are still able to give you a warm laugh about how silly, yet essential, romance is for lots of us.

01 Maret 2020
Tujuh Karya Sastra Kita Untuk Jadi Game

Kalau Anda mau mengembangkan game yang khas Indonesia, mengapa tidak menengok khasanah sastra kita? Sebaliknya, membaca sastra dengan logika game bisa jadi menambah asyik membaca.

01 Maret 2020
30 Days of Romcom Part 2

And the countdown is still on. Anastha Eka, a Romantic Comedy aficionado, continued her one month journey to her all-time favorites. You can laugh and cry with her, or make your own list too.

01 Maret 2020
30 Days of Romcom Part 1

A list of full month of romance and silliness by a certified romcom addict, Anastha Eka. This is just a part one, girls (and boys-who-secretly-love-these-cute-guilty-sins).
20 Agustus 2021
18 April 2021
23 November 2020
23 November 2020
17 Oktober 2020
01 Juli 2020
14 Juni 2020
07 Juni 2020
07 Juni 2020
07 Juni 2020